What is Assertive Communication?

Assertive communication is the ability to express positive and negative ideas and feelings in an open, honest and direct way.

It recognises our rights whilst still respecting the rights of others.

It allows us to take responsibility for ourselves and our actions without judging or blaming other people.

And it allows us to constructively confront and find a mutually satisfying solution where conflict exists.

Why Use Assertive Communication?

All of us use assertive behaviour at times… quite often when we feel vulnerable or unsure of ourselves we may resort to submissive, manipulative or aggressive behaviour.

Yet being trained in assertive communication actually increases the appropriate use of this sort of behaviour.

It enables us to swap old behaviour patterns for a more positive approach to life.

I’ve found that changing my response to others (be they work colleagues, clients or even my own family) can be exciting and stimulating.

Información tomada de: https://www.impactfactory.com/library/assertive-communication-6-tips-effective-use

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